Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My EVERY DAY resolutions

1. DO some sort of physical activity. getting to the gym is getting harder and harder these days with Jake on the road 4-5 days in a row, two "babies" at home, and competing with Snow College students for the 1 treadmill and 1 eliptical and 3 bikes available here in boondog Ephraim.

2. Eat lots of veggies and fruits.

3. When I am craving sweets. Grab 1 tall glass of water first. Then if I am still craving it, eat a medium sized fruit. Still craving??? well...then eat the dang sweet already but get it over with and move on with my day! hahaha.

4. Play hard with the kids. Run around, get on my hands and knees, carry them on my back/shoulders, dance to the crazy music playing.....you get the idea.

5. Beautify my home in at least one way....clean, make a craft, tidy up a room...etc.

6. Say prayers with my kids and husband. tell them i love them everyday.

7. Thank my husband every day for all he does.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, Head! Glad to see a post from you again! You're a great example to me of a fit and active mom that also knows her priorities are her family. Love ya!
