Thursday, July 21, 2011

It's Been A YEAR!!

Well, I just thought I'd stop by this blog to see if anyone has posted and realized it has been a year since anyone posted! CRAZY! Hope you are all doing awesome! I've been doing the Insanity workouts for a little over a month, I haven't lost much, but I have lost a few pounds.....I've heard the results come in the second month, so I'm hoping that is true and hopefully I'll be more fit in the next 30 days! I've also started to change up workouts by signing up for events, like in September I have two triathlons and one half marathon that I'm training for! Since I've paid for them I won't lose motivation to keep working out! Let's try to post here more often to motivate each other!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Andrea! You're so awesome with how active you have remained after all this time! Good luck with your running events coming up! And with
    As for me, last year was pretty crazy. We had our second baby, then two months later moved to Maryland. Then 7 months later we moved into our own home. During the Winter I did work-out videos that I found on Netflix instant watch to try and lose the baby weight. I'm one of those lucky people that just needs to nurse my baby, though, and the weight came off by July without too much effort. I mainly did Pilates 'cause it was relaxing. So now I'm back to my pre-baby weight, but am missing how toned I used to be back then. The boys don't nap together often so I haven't gotten back into the habit of doing my exercise videos, but we go for walks almost every day and that's my exercise for now! Maybe I'll join a gym when Winter comes along. They include baby-sitting here!
